BonFaire® Executive Meal Trays & Inserts

Convenient Airline Meal Kits.
BonFaire® Executive Meal Trays and Lids designed for food service catering and airline in flight disposable meals. The classic black base in single or multiple compartments, and clear lid, enhance any meal presentation. Material: PETE-Polyethylene Terephthalate #1 PET; Eligible for Recycling.
Showing all 4 results
BonFaire® BF5200
10″ Square Container
Executive Meal Tray 1-comp. Black -
BonFaire® BF5216
10″ Square Container
Multiple Compartments Black
Insert for Executive Meal Tray BF5200 -
BonFaire® BF5250
10″ Square Lid
Snap On Clear
Fits BF5200 -
BonFaire® BF6200
3″ Square Container
Insert Dish White PS
Insert for Executive Meal Tray BF5200